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It’s Stress Awareness Month...

info • Apr 18, 2023

Let’s talk about stress in the workplace.

Stress in the workplace is a growing problem that can affect any worker, from interns right up to CEOs. This Stress Awareness Month, we’ve decided to put together a blog on the causes and effects of workplace stress, and what we can do to manage and reduce it - creating a happier and healthier work environment.

Stress has a huge effect on the UK workforce – 76% of UK employees reportedly have moderate-to-high or high levels of stress as a result of their job. 33% reported that the high levels of stress had a negative impact on their productivity. These statistics highlight that stress is majorly damaging – to the employer, the employee, and the standard of work.

So, what are the different causes of stress in the workplace?


The most common cause is related to workload. Workers feel unable to cope with the demands of their job – whether this be long and inflexible hours or coping with an overwhelming amount of work – and this leads to feelings of inadequacy and pressure. Additionally, many people also struggle with not receiving enough information and support, leaving them feeling out of control and not fully understanding their roles and responsibilities.

What effects can stress have on workers?


There are many adverse effects of stress that manifest in a multitude of ways. There are physical consequences – aches, chest pains, headaches, high blood pressure, and fatigue. But there are also emotional and mental consequences. High stress levels leave people vulnerable to anxiety and depression, as well as other mental health problems. These problems can develop until they result in social issues such as spending less time with family and friends and growing isolated and lonely.

How can we manage and reduce our stress?

To ensure that stress doesn’t develop into the more severe symptoms above, we need to be able to recognise the signs and causes of our stress. This is a personal journey - figure out what you find stressful and how stress manifests itself in your behaviour or feelings. Maybe dreading an important presentation at work leads to sleepless night? Perhaps bad customer feedback leads to skipping lunch or snacking on junk food late at night? Once you identify these behaviours, you can change them to healthier and productive ways of dealing with stress. An important step is to look after your physical health – stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and make sure to get at least 8 hours sleep. A small amount of exercise (even just a walk for some fresh air) goes a long way as well.

Once you have nailed these physical steps, you can start to learn different coping techniques – again this is personal, figure out what you find helpful. Mindfulness is a great way to combat stress, as it promotes clarity, calmness, and focus. Practicing deep breathing can also help if things get overwhelming. Mastering your time is a great way to help with this – make sure to prioritise what’s important, take breaks if you need to, and don’t be afraid to say no. The key is to adopt a positive mindset - think encouraging thoughts throughout the day to give yourself the confidence you need to approach problems in a productive way!

How can LCVA help?

As a virtual assistance services, we provide a depth of expertise and experience in many different areas – for example event planning, bookkeeping, marketing, admin work, and business planning. By outsourcing to us, you can prioritise the parts of your business that you enjoy and leave the rest to us! This leaves you with more time to spend time with friends and family, and more time to do the things that make you happy – knowing your workload is in safe hands with LCVA. Send your planning, coordinating, organising, and handling our way – and we’ll reduce your stress as well as supporting your business! Prioritising your health and wellbeing will allow you to work to the best of your abilities!

If you’d like to learn more about outsourcing and how you can use it to your advantage, take a look at our outsourcing e-book here

Our Project Plan e-book is also available to help you with organisation and time management here

If you would like to book a consultation or Power Hour, take a look here

Hopefully this blog has given you a better understanding of stress in the workplace – what it is, what causes it, and some of the things you can do to overcome it. If you are feeling stressed this month, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help – sharing your feelings is an essential part of positive mental health and wellbeing!

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